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Four district commissioners appointed to Greater Sydney Commission

NSW Planning Minister Rob Stokes last week announced the appointment of four district commissioners who will represent local communities on the Greater Sydney Commission.

Mr Stokes said Deborah Dearing, Edward Blakely, Maria Atkinson and Sean O’Toole had been selected by local councils to represent them on the commission, and will bring a wealth of experience and expertise to their new roles.

“These men and women are renowned experts in their fields and I look forward to partnering with them and their communities to make sure that, as Sydney grows, the public reaps the benefits of that growth,” Mr Stokes said.

“For the first time, the local districts of Sydney will have a seat at the table during major planning and infrastructure decisions. By working together, we can ensure our planning decisions make people’s lives better now and into the future.”

Dr Dearing has been appointed North District Commissioner, Ms Atkinson Central District Commissioner, Mr O’Toole West District Commissioner and Professor Blakely West Central District Commissioner. South and South West districts are yet to finalise their appointments.

The Greater Sydney Commission will be charged with developing and implementing district plans, reviewing council Local Environment Plans, determining regionally significant development applications and will act as the decision maker on rezoning proposals currently undertaken by the Minister.

“This landmark reform will move Sydney from its uncoordinated patchwork of local area planning to coordinated and focused planning for the city as a whole,” Mr Stokes said.

The new district commissioners will join Chief Commissioner Lucy Turnbull, Chief Executive Sarah Hill, Economic Commissioner Geoff Roberts, Social Commissioner Heather Nesbitt and Environment Commissioner Rod Simpson.

Source: News Release, Urbanalyst, 22 February, 2016


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