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How Women are Forging their own path in Property Investment

Women have become an important force in the Australian property investment sector. Traditionally a male-dominated arena, women are increasingly taking ownership of their financial future and becoming active in investing.

Amidst the softer property prices in our current market, Australian women are taking a savvy approach to property investment by doing their research, creating diversified portfolios, and using the power of leverage. This is allowing them to gain greater exposure and diversity with their portfolios, while also opening up passive income streams from rental incomes.

Women are also taking advantage of government incentives and grants available to them as property investors such as tax deductions, first home buyers grants, and other concessions that can offer a pathway to owning multiple properties.

With an increasing number of women being empowered by greater control over their financial assets, it’s likely that the trend of increased female investment in property will continue to grow.

However, despite the encouraging signs, the number of women property investors still remains significantly lower than men, according to data released by CoreLogic. When comparing nationwide figures for female versus male property investment ownership, we see a 7.3% difference, with 29.1% owned by females and 36.4% owned by males. This result may Although, it is important to note that the number of female investors ten years ago was only 20%.

Source: CoreLogic, Women and Property: One year on, March 2022

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Women are securing their financial futures

By leveraging their capital and taking ownership of their financial destiny, Australian women are taking an active role in their financial future. Property ownership has evolved to become a key pillar of wealth accumulation, it also reduces the likelihood of poverty by retirement age.

Of the properties owned by women in Australia, 69.3% were houses and 35.2% were units. Men were found to own 4.3% more housing stock in Australia, whilst women trumped men in the medium to high-density sector by 1.1%. The implications of this results in a gender wealth gap, as houses generally have a higher-value and greater capacity for capital growth, when compared to units.

CoreLogic:Timeseries is derived from the current snapshot of properties analysed by the year purchased.

The Benefits of Property Investment

Investing in property is increasingly becoming a powerful financial tool. The Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) has revealed an extraordinary statistic: 55.6% of household wealth is derived from property. This demonstrates a shift in both lifestyle choices and financial independence for women, who are increasingly owning their own home or investment property, either as single women or jointly with their partners.

This trend is clearly backed up by ABS data too, as 15.7% of taxpayers have at least one investment property; often women play a key role in that financial decision-making process.

Property investment provides financial freedom and stability in uncertain times, increasing financial security while giving more control over financial futures. Women who invest in property are able to create real income and financial wealth that can be passed onto future generations.

Strategies for Growing and Sustaining Your Property Portfolio

To achieve success, investors should explore multiple types of investment opportunities and develop a diverse range of skills that are tailored to suit the specific needs of their portfolio. From understanding financing options to improving cash flow management to navigating market trends— there are myriad strategies investors can employ to grow and sustain their portfolio. Investors who are able to understand the fundamentals of property investment, develop strategies for success and diversify their portfolios are well-positioned to embrace the future with confidence and unlock true financial freedom.

Developing a Support Network for Women

Imagine a world where women can successfully grow their wealth to build a legacy and achieve financial freedom. By developing a robust support network for female investors, we can break down gender barriers. By creating opportunities that encourage education and open dialogue between seasoned experts and rising talent in the investor community, we can create safe spaces to cultivate success and realise dreams without limits. Doing so will ultimately reduce inequality and increase economic activism so all genders have an equal chance at financial freedom.

Final thoughts

In summary, there is no denying that more women are taking an increasingly active role in the property market. By understanding the fundamentals of investing and learning the skills required to build and maintain a successful portfolio, investors can create financial security while unlocking true independence.

It is important to remember that there are an array of strategies and resources available to investors. By taking advantage of these resources and building a strong support network, female investors can take charge of their financial future and create real wealth.

At Ironfish, we believe that investing in property is an empowering and rewarding endeavour that is the key to financial freedom for all. Our passionate strategists and research team drive our customers forward with data-driven investment insights, while our seminars and events equip them with the knowledge they need to feel confident investing. At Ironfish, we look forward to continuing to promote financial freedom and success for all genders in the years to come.

If you would like to know how to make your property investments work harder for you, feel free to download our free eBook: 4 Strategies to Turbo Charge your Cashflow. In it, we provide valuable insights on how to maximise your portfolio’s return.

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