Like attracts like
The people we surround ourselves with have a huge influence on how we think and feel, which is why I choose to spend my time on a daily basis with positive people who inspire me, encourage me and help nurture my dreams.
When I first arrived as an immigrant in Australia, my initial contact was mainly with people who were told by others – or by themselves – that the best they could hope for starting out was to get a minimum wage job at a Chinese restaurant or factory.
That was a problem for me, because I had already decided in my mind that I wanted to make $100,000 a year at least and waiting tables at $5 an hour certainly did not align with my vision. Of course when I spoke of my dreams to this group of people, they either discouraged me or laughed me off.
At that point I could either continue to surround myself with people who had limiting beliefs or find people who encouraged unlimited thinking. Thankfully, I chose the latter.
My first job was selling insurance, which I chose because I didn’t need any experience, the company offered free training and importantly, there was no limit on what I could earn.
That year, I attracted 3 people into my life, who, unbeknownst to me at the time, would shape the foundations of my future.
My first was my manager, who was driving a Mercedes and earning more than $300,000 a year. As well as mentoring me, he recommended I read “The Richest Man In Babylon” by George S Clason, which is considered one of the finest books about creating wealth (and one I still re-read every year). While at the time I didn’t fully understand the book, it put the idea of making money front and centre in my thoughts, so much so, I far exceeded my goal of earning $100,000 that first year.

Lesson for Property Investors #1.
By adopting a wealth-oriented mentality and keeping your goals at the forefront of your thoughts and actions, you will attract people into your life who can propel you towards your vision. This could be through offering expert advice and opening doors to more wealth-building opportunities.
I’m certain that the very fact you’re reading this article right now is already shifting your focus and giving you ideas about wealth-building. Just imagine how much more powerful the results would be if this was top of mind every day!

Napoleon Hill, Think and Grow Rich
The second person who helped shape my life was an ex-millionaire and former colleague who had lost everything but was determined to gain it all back. He gave me a book, “Think & Grow Rich”, by Napoleon Hill. I remember the cover of that particular edition which read; “This book is worth a million dollars to you.” So just at the time I was thinking about making a million dollars, this book appeared as a gift. What are the chances?

Lesson for Property Investors #2
My friend lost all his wealth but had no doubt he was going to regain it all (he did by the way!) That tells us a lot about maintaining your determination, resilience, and belief, even when there are setbacks.
The serendipitous timing of receiving the book highlights the importance of being open to new opportunities and experiences, and having the courage to take advantage of these when they appear. The difference between luck and serendipity is that luck just happens to you; you don’t have to be involved in it. But with serendipity, you’re involved in the process of turning it into something fruitful. So, when next you’re invited to watch one of our property investing webinars, or even have a chat with one of our strategists, just think, this could be your serendipitous moment.
The third person was William, a property mogul and very successful investor who came to be one of the most influential people in my early career. In 1991, I worked alongside him selling insurance for just a couple of months, and our paths didn’t cross again until 1998, when I attended a property investing seminar and he was the speaker. Clearly he had done very well and I was curious as to how. How had he managed to obtain 20+ properties within seven years starting from scratch while I had only managed to upgrade to my second home. Long story short, we became reacquainted, i became his client and then in 1999, went to work for him. For over two years I became a sponge around him, absorbing everything he did from how to handle people, solving problems, overcoming challenges and grow a successful business.

Lesson for Property Investors #3.
Never underestimate the power of mentorship. When you happen upon people (or actively seek them out) who are aligned to your goals and values, make the most of the opportunity. Take a risk by reaching out to them, take time out to attend a seminar or watch a webinar –you just never know what might happen.