State and Commonwealth partner in $1.5billion North-South corridor upgrade.
The South Australian Government today welcomed Commonwealth funding for the $896 million Torrens to Torrens and $620 million Darlington upgrades, ensuring more than $1.5 billion in North-South Corridor improvements for road users will go ahead.
Transport and Infrastructure Minister Stephen Mullighan said the projects will address two key locations along the corridor and bring significant travel and economic benefits to the state.
“The State Government will commit funding of $572 million, which will provide the opportunity for us to undertake these two vital upgrades at the same time,” Mr Mullighan said.
“The Commonwealth has committed $448 million for the Torrens to Torrens upgrade, and $496 million for the Darlington upgrade as part of the Federal budget.”
Minister Mullighan said extensive negotiations and planning has meant the two projects can secure local jobs and industry involvement over the next several years.
“After ongoing and productive negotiations between myself and the Federal Assistant Minister for Infrastructure Jamie Briggs, we are very pleased the Commonwealth is funding both upgrades,” Mr Mullighan said.
Minister Mullighan said the projects will fast-track the North-South Corridor improvements, and bring the State Government’s vision of a free-flowing corridor identified in the Integrated Transport and Land Use Plan closer to fruition.
“The two projects will significantly improve connectivity for the rapidly expanding industrial and residential growth areas in the north and the south, providing new opportunities for economic development,” Mr Mullighan said.
“Projects of this magnitude will also bring significant employment opportunities for South Australians; it is estimated that approximately 850 jobs a year will be supported.”
The 3.7 kilometre Torrens to Torrens South Road upgrade between Torrens Road and the River Torrens will provide travel time savings of 3 to 6 minutes, and will include:
- a new, lowered road under Grange and Port Road. This will provide a non-stop route through the area for passing traffic and reduce delays to east-west travel.
- a parallel surface road along the length of the lowered road to connect the majority of local roads and arterial roads to South Road as they do now.
- a grade separation of South Road from the Outer Harbor line to ensure the service doesn’t interrupt traffic along the new route.
- a dedicated off-road shared path for cyclists and pedestrians connecting to other local cycling and walking paths.
The 2.3 kilometre section of road between the Southern Expressway and Ayliffes Road at Darlington will also improve travel times by 2 minutes for north-south travel to and from the Southern Expressway through the following upgrades:
- a new lowered road on the western side of South Road that will continue non-stop flow of traffic to and from the Southern Expressway under a newly extended Flinders Drive and Sturt Road to the South Road and Ayliffes Road intersection.
- a parallel surface road along the current South Road alignment to ensure all existing arterial and local road connections remain in place and operate as they do now.
- the extension of Flinders Drive from South Road to Sturt Road will enable more efficient access to Finders Medical Centre, Flinders Hospital and Flinders University.
- upgrades to cycle and pedestrian routes for safer movement of people within the Darlington precinct and for improved connection to other local cycling and walking paths.
- improvements to the intersections of Marion Road and Sturt Road, South Road and Daws Road, and localised upgrading of South Road through Edwardstown.
Both projects are expected to be completed in 2018.
Source: News Release Transport Minister Stephen Mullighan 07 May 2014