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The Mathematics of Unlimited Prosperity – The secret to calculating property investment success

We’ve all heard the expression “life is full of surprises”, and we normally associate this with positive experiences. But what I’m hearing in this current environment is that after 12 consecutive interest rate rises, a lot of people have had enough surprises for a while!

Right now, it seems we’re craving certainty, more predictable outcomes and a sense of security.

Whether you’re doing this multiplication in 1970 or today – the process doesn’t change, and the results are still the same. That’s why I find maths so fun and fascinating. Maths fun and fascinating? Absolutely!

In a market of uncertainty, people are looking for certainty and predictability, and  maths is where you’ll find it.

Let’s look at the mathematics of property. ROI, yields, returns, capital growth, leverage, compounding, interest rates – these all mathematical equations. Maths helps us understand the effects of property growth, supply vs demand, interest rates  and cyclical trends. By analysing this data, we can gain a glimpse into the future and form a pretty accurate prediction about what comes next, and the best way to navigate it.

How the ‘Rule of 72’ can unlock property investment uncertainly

The Rule of 72 is a fascinating concept and a simple mathematical tool that can help you make informed decisions and take calculated steps towards achieving your financial goals.

Here’s how it works. Let’s say you have an investment, and you want to know how long it will take for your money to double. Divide the number 72 by the annual rate of return you expect to earn and voila! The result will be the approximate number of years it will take for your investment to double.

So if you expect an 8% return on your investment, by applying the rule of 72, you’ll see it will take approximately 9 years for your initial investment to double.

With that information, your financial planning suddenly becomes a lot clearer, and you can move forward with more confidence.

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Belief + Mindset + Focus = Success

This is an equation which I call the mathematics of unlimited prosperity, and it’s certainly one that has been instrumental in all aspects of my life.

The mathematics of unlimited prosperity takes the concept of compound growth as we know it in a financial sense and applies it your everyday life.

Einstein described the art of compounding as the eighth wonder of the world for its potential to create incredible results over time, and I certainly attribute much of my results in life to compounding my beliefs and habits.

Remember, long-lasting, life-changing success is the product of daily habits, not once-in-a-lifetime transformations, but compounding the right habits can supercharge your growth.

I became good at table tennis and learned to play the piano by watching tutorials on YouTube during Covid lockdowns because I practiced every day. I became healthier because I committed to eating better and exercising on a regular basis.

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And I became a successful property investor by building (or compounding) my knowledge, my network and my experience.

I didn’t aim for one massive breakthrough. I focused on my goals, both personal and professional and worked towards them every single day.

The key to calculating your success: Start with the end in mind

Imagine standing at the peak of a mountain, surveying the breathtaking view before you. Now, think about your journey to success in the same way. To reach your desired destination, it’s crucial to start with the end in mind. Define your vision of success, both personally and professionally. What does it look like? How does it feel? Be as specific as possible.

By clearly defining your destination, each step you take becomes intentional and aligned with your ultimate goal. Visualise yourself already achieving your desired outcome. Feel the emotions associated with that achievement. This exercise creates a powerful magnet that pulls you closer to your dreams and guides your actions along the way.

Setting goals is another essential aspect of beginning with the end in mind. Break down your big vision into smaller, actionable goals. Set deadlines, hold yourself accountable and take time to celebrate each milestone you achieve, be it small or large.

Why investing in positive thinking = positive returns

What we fundamentally think and believe shapes our reality. It acts as a filter through which we interpret the world around us, which is particularly important in how you view the current economic landscape.

If you believe there’s no possibility of prosperity in these times, you’re right.

But on the flipside, if you believe these are actually opportune times to lay the foundations of prosperity, you’re also right.

The negative/poverty mindset tells you times are challenging. The positive/wealth mindset embraces challenge as an opportunity for growth and learning. It also makes everyday life a lot more enjoyable!

By consciously formulating and reviewing our belief system, we can identify and eliminate self-imposed limitations and replace negative beliefs with empowering ones that compound your journey to success. Remember, success begins with believing in yourself and your ability to achieve greatness.

Choose to compound positivity  — your future self will thank you.

In the end, I believe you are compounding either wins or losses.

What I now understand, having achieved the results I once dreamed of, is that I have fundamentally changed as a person along this journey. My success is not simply the result of what I have done, or because I timed the market well, it’s because I have changed as a person, and continue to work hard on applying the right principles.

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