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The perfect storm of opportunity is here. Are you ready for it?

I’ve been in the industry for 24 years and I’ve never seen a situation quite like the one we’re in at this very moment. On the one hand, with wars raging around the world, there’s still so many things that appear to be uncertain. And yet despite everything, the absolute fundamentals of property investing remain steadfastly unchanged, if not stronger than ever before.

It’s fair to say we’ve been on somewhat of a property rollercoaster over the last 3 years, but now, with a critical shortage of rental property, record levels of immigration, and interest rates nearing their peak, the scene is set for the perfect property investment storm.

At the start of a cycle such as this, people who benefit the most are those who already have property, or those who are financially and mentally prepared to take the leap.

So how do you prepare yourself to take advantage of the opportunities that are available right now?

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The Change-Ready Mindset

Even if you’re not in a position right now to jump into property, there are still many things you can do to prepare yourself for when your circumstances change. You’ll be surprised by how the very act of making a commitment to yourself to start building a strong financial wall around you and your family can immediately impact your life.

While you might think you’re just making a decision to do something like start a better savings plan, what you’re actually doing is deciding to make a positive change that will have a domino effect on every other area of your life.

Spring is a great time to enact change, because as we get closer to the holiday season you can look back at the end of the year with a sense of pride and take that positive change-ready mindset into the new year.

I know that before we make any decision, there’s usually a period of hesitation or doubt, but I can almost guarantee you that as soon as you make a step towards change, however small, you will feel more hopeful and more positive about your future because you know you have taken action.

Let’s use the analogy of going to the gym and getting in shape. Before you commit, you’ve probably already spent some time thinking about going, and even though you know if will be good for you, you’ve put it off for one reason or another. Once you set foot inside, you start to feel better about yourself because you’ve finally taken some action. The more you start to see a physical change, the better and happier  your emotional mindset.

It’s the same for your financial health and wellbeing. Getting in the property market is something you may have been putting off, but once you take that step, your mindset will almost automatically switch into a new gear.

  • You’ll be more focused on what’s happening in the market – which in turn will lead to better decision making.
  • You’ll be more proactive and motivated to seek out expert advice.
  • Because you have ‘skin in the game’ you’ll be paying attention to the property market and be more attuned to the opportunities.
  • You’ll be in a more positive frame of mind knowing you are on the way to building your financial freedom.

Changing your habits to change your mindset

People are creatures of habit, and once we’re in a routine, we tend to stick to it. Our minds are comfortable with doing the same thing the same way, but this mindset can lead to inertia, and stop you from achieving what you really want out of life. It’s too easy to say to ourselves that we’ll do something ‘one day’, or ‘one day’ things will change. The hard fact is that if you don’t change, neither will your situation, and before you know it, you’ve let countless opportunities pass you by.

Getting into a change-ready mindset can be as simple as changing the smallest things in your daily routine. Take a different route to work. Try some cuisine you’ve never had before. If you wear a watch, spend a day wearing it on a different wrist. Little things like this can ease you out of your comfort zone and rewire your brain to think differently.

Change your internal dialogue

That little voice we all have in our heads is not necessarily always our friend, especially if it’s constantly throwing negative words like “I can’t” or “I don’t have enough time/money/knowledge” at you.

Make a conscious effort to actively listen to your thoughts and change the narrative.  This takes some practice but is very effective at rewiring your brain into seeing the positive side of things.

Put yourself in new situations

Build your confidence and courage by putting yourself in situations that require you to learn something new or challenge your thinking. Take up a new hobby. Read inspiring books. Attend one of our free webinars. Or pick up the phone and book an appointment with one of our investment strategists.

Believe me, every one of these small steps will get you that much closer to your dream of financial freedom because your mind will be open to more wealth building opportunities.

Never be afraid to ask for help

When Steve Jobs was in high school, he cold-called Hewlett-Packard’s co-founder Bill Hewlett to request some leftover electronic parts and, to his surprise, Hewlett picked up the phone. At first, the exec was amused, and soon after, taking the young man more seriously, he offered Jobs an internship that would change the course of his life.

 “I’ve always found something to be very true, which is most people don’t get those experiences because they never ask,” Jobs said. “I’ve never found anybody that didn’t want to help me if I asked them for help.”

Many people are afraid to ask for help for fear of rejection, or perhaps feeling they will look stupid in some way. So many times in my own life I’ve asked for advice or jobs from people who others may have been afraid to approach, and every single time I’ve benefitted in some way.

Don’t be afraid to reach out to those who can help you. Chances are, they were in the exact same position as you at one point.

When we deliberately create change in our lives, we create a new reality for ourselves. One filled with possibility and positivity. So what are you waiting for?

3 Ways to Increase your Personal Income this year

Learning how to boost your personal income and improve your cash flow is an investment in yourself that could change the course of your journey to financial freedom.

Our new Lunchtime webinar gives you a taste of how easy it is to start knocking your financial goals out of the park – today!

Grant Ryan, Director of Property and Research has helped hundreds of buyers just like you to reach their financial goals and will explore:

  • Income boosting strategies to help you claim your market value and unleash your earning capacity.
  • How to become more valuable in the eyes of an employer
  • Earning extra money by taking on a fresh challenge
  • Using an entrepreneurial spirit to start increasing your take-home pay today!

No matter where you are in your property investment journey, if you’re ready to grow your income, future-proof your retirement or reach your investment goals faster, this webinar is for you!

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