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The two-hand theory to building your fortune through property

We all know that to live a healthy, fulfilled life, one has to find balance. Balance between work and play, exercise and rest, spending time with people and spending time alone. So, what if we applied this theory of balance as the key to living  a wealthy life?

This is what I call the Two-Hand Approach to building wealth, and it’s been one of the most popular topics amongst audiences at our seminars. Before I became an investor, my idea of becoming financially successful was to work hard on my income with my two hands and my time. And my idea of being a millionaire was to save a million dollars. Without the benefit of experience or expertise at that time, I thought it sounded good on paper, when in reality, it was not a particularly smart or strategic plan. I soon discovered that while on the one hand, I was working harder and harder on my income- producing capabilities, it became clear that there was always going to be a limit as to how much I could earn.

On the other hand I was also spending more and more money, which meant my goal of saving one million dollars was getting further and further out of reach.

Like everything I do in my life, if something is not working, I look for another way, a better way to make things happen.

That’s when I discovered that real financial success comes from two very crucial elements: cash flow and asset building.

This is the Left Hand/Right Hand approach.

Left Hand = Cash Flow

Cash flow is your physical capability to generate an income, that is income based on your physical input and time.

Right Hand = Asset Building

Asset building is buying something that is appreciating in value and generating income for you at the same time, such as investment properties.

Without the knowledge of cash flow and asset building, and the importance both of these factors play in wealth building, most people only focus on the left hand -working hard to build their income.

3 problems with the left-hand only approach

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4 Disciplines of the Two-Hand approach

10 things you must do to double your chance of success:

  1. Dare to dream big
  2. Set goals
  3. Make a commitment to success
  4. Read personal development books daily
  5. Find a mentor
  6. Take action
  7. Do dream building regularly
  8. Improve financial literacy
  9. Think and act long term
  10. Be results-oriented

5 Secrets to Wealth

Many people dream of being wealthy, but do you really know what it takes to make it a reality? Ironfish CEO, Author and Angel Investor, Joseph Chou has already taken this journey, and now he wants to share the secrets to his success with you.
Join us to discover:
• The four paths to wealth – How to know which one is right for you
• Maximising income – How to unlock additional streams
• Wealth mindset – How to set wealth goals and stay committed to reaching them
Turn 60 minutes of your time into a lifetime of wealth!

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