SA Government approves Existing Activity Centres Policy Review DPA

The South Australian Government last week said that business opportunities in activities centres have been given a boost following the approval of the Existing Activity Centres Policy Review Development Plan Amendment.

The DPA, which affects suburban and regional areas of Greater Adelaide and all 25 development plans in the region, excluding the City of Adelaide, aims to support greater business opportunities, flexibility, competition and certainty.

This amendment includes changes to the planning policies used in the assessment of development proposals in ‘activity centres’ such as commercial and retail centres, shopping strips, business precincts, high streets and town centres.

The proposal underwent two months of consultation between 27 August and 21 October 2015, and attracted 45 public submissions.

According to the government, the amendment represents a significant step in replacing outdated, inconsistent, heavy handed and anti-competitive land use policies found in development plans relating to activity centres and shopping activity.

Planning Minister John Rau said approval of the DPA means that key requirements in 25 development plans will be better placed to encourage investment, innovation and competition in the affected areas as a result of changes.

Source: News Release, Urbanalyst, 26, April, 2016

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