State budget: $2.47 billion for East Metropolitan Perth

More than $1.87billion will be invested in major upgrades to the road network in the East Metropolitan region over the next four years as part of a $2.74billion investment in the region by the Liberal National Government.

Treasurer Mike Nahan said the roads package included $547million for the completion by 2017 of the $1billion Gateway WA project – the biggest single roads project undertaken by the State Government.  The project, with contributions from the Federal Government, involves upgrading the road network around Perth Airport and the nearby Forrestfield and Kewdale industrial areas to improve traffic flow.

In addition, $642million in State and Federal funding over the next four years will allow construction to start on the Swan Valley section of NorthLink WA – helping separate heavy vehicles from suburban traffic and break any bottlenecks through the Swan Valley and eastern suburbs.

The State Budget also includes $74.5million for upgrades and widening works on two stretches of Great Eastern Highway at Mundaring and Coolgardie. There is $353.8million over four years (including Federal funds) for the Stage 2 realignment, widening and sealing works along the Great Northern Highway between Muchea and Wubin, plus the addition of passing lanes.

Another major focus is education, with a $227million capital works project over four years including $63.4million for the completion of Byford Senior High School.

Elsewhere, the budget includes $114.2million for local health infrastructure and almost $100million for redevelopment works in the urban centres of Midland, Kelmscott and Armadale.

Dr Nahan said the budget built on the Liberal National Government’s strong record of delivering key infrastructure and services to support future generations of West Australians.

“With this budget, the State is striking a balance between responding to the changing economic circumstances and investing in areas to support our growing State and secure our economic future,” he said.

Fact File

  • $642million towards the NorthLink WA – Swan Valley section
  • $547million to complete the Gateway WA project
  • $104.9million for the Midland Public Hospital
  • $74.5million for widening works and upgrades to Great Eastern Hwy
  • $46million for Reid Hwy-Malaga Dve intersection
  • $227million for four-year education capital works program
  • $63.4billion to complete Byford Senior High School
  • $56.7million for Armadale and Kelmscott redevelopment works
  • $40.2million for the MRA’s Midland redevelopment works
  • $10.6million for Ballajura Police Station
  • $14.1million for upgrades to essential water and wastewater infrastructure

Source: News Release Treasurer Mike Nahan, 08 May 2014

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